at Gardens of Carleton

Enriching Everyday Life

At Gardens of Carleton Assisted Living and Memory Care Community in Carleton, Michigan, we believe one of the most fundamental needs in life is personal growth. Our senior living community offers a nurturing environment where older adults find purpose and daily experiences that help them grow and thrive.

Schedule a visit to see first-hand why older adults prefer the convenience, support and community spirit at Gardens of Carleton. 

Lifestyles We Offer

Find the support you deserve.

Assisted Living

Compassionate support for daily activities.

Memory Care

Tailored care for memory-related needs.

Nourish Your Appetite for Life

Uncover a living experience paired with an array of services designed to support your health and well-being through diverse social, educational, and cultural opportunities for our residents. 

From activity-filled monthly calendars to personalized wellness programs, every detail of our community is crafted to meet the unique preferences and abilities of our residents.

Why The Gardens of Carleton? 

Restaurant-Style Dining

Enjoy flavorful and nutritious meals thoughtfully prepared by our expert chefs and served in our welcoming dining spaces.


The Gardens of Carleton offers an array of amenities, including a library, activity spaces, private dining rooms, a chapel, and beautifully maintained gardens or greenhouses.


From fitness classes and spiritual services to scheduled outings and organized activities, every day is an opportunity for growth, fun, and connection.

Our Location

Our Address

  • 12400 Matthews St.
  • Carleton, MI 48117

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